The nick before Christmas
Fall in Love and Live Your Dreams with The Nick Before Christmas

Seconds before she opened her eyes, Nickie thanked God for another day (in general) and this special day (in particular). Gratefully, she viewed the sun’s rise over the horizon and bathed in its golden rays from her bedroom’s palatial window. The late-July blaze burned too hot for holiday snow, but the decorated, Douglass fir (the fake holdover from Christmas) had stood in the family room for seven months, signifying the hope for Christmas in July. She prayed by the end of her fiftieth birthday she’d have answers to the burning question in her life: should I say yes to Smith? Will I ever follow my calling?
Her mid-point of life milestone left her with high hopes, but a sobering reality—the vision board—greeted her when she rolled onto her side. Her calling, the creative pen, haunted her.